If there is no critical risk to your business office, it is still good to rekey your locks with some degree of consistency. We recommend prudence, as simple mistakes can become serious security threats. 

We recommend businesses rekey their locks anywhere from 9 months to 3 years. You can base this decision on a few factors such as the company’s turnover rate, how easy the keys are to copy (i.e., are they high-security keys?), the value of what you’re trying to protect. The more these factors present security threats, the more regularly you should be rekeying your locks.



There are some circumstances where it is essential to rekey your locks right away. These include:

  • Someone that should not have access to your key may have access.
  • Someone that has left the company or touched the key is a security risk.
  • Someone has already broken into your business.
  • If you have any basis to believe that there is a risk to any of your locks or keys, rekeying them right away should be your priority.


Every time someone encounters one of these keys, there is a risk that they made a copy that they can use for sinister purposes in the future. In a perfect world, you would be able to use a key card or electronic access system to change the locks frequently, so that no one can ever make a copy of your key without your knowledge. Additionally, most access systems keep a record log of entry and are immediately adjusted for your businesses’ individual needs.


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Can a locksmith rekey a car door?

Can locksmiths rekey car doors?


Nearly everyone has been in a situation where they ask themselves, “Can a locksmith open a car door?” Don’t sweat the answer too much. Your typical locksmith should be able to pop the lock, perform any vehicle rekey, or handle a full lock replacement for most car doors. While actual lock replacement is much more expensive — multiple locks would need to be removed during this process — getting your door rekeyed is much faster, less expensive, and would only require the vehicle owner to obtain a new key. 

Locksmiths are fully equipped with the expertise and tools needed to perform car rekeying and key cutting for almost any model vehicle, both foreign and domestic. Thousands of Americans get locked out of their car every year, and most of these people don’t know how to find a reputable locksmith to fix their problem. If this happens to you, and you’re unable to contact a car locksmith service, then read below about a couple of different methods that may help you access your car in a pinch.

1. Wedge And Poke Method: Though it’s a bit old school, this approach involves creating a small opening, “the wedge,” in the crease that separates the car frame and the car door, then inserting some kind of rod-like object in the opening that’s long enough to hit the unlock button on the inside of the door.

2. The Cellphone Method: This approach hinges mostly on the type of cell phone being used, but if you have an internet-capable smartphone, then chances are this might work for you too. Essentially, if you’re locked out, but someone else has easy access to your spare fob, then call that person, put your phone on speaker, and have them hit the unlock button. The idea is that the phone’s radio frequency modulators transmit the signal through the speaker and unlock your vehicle.

3. The Trunk Method: As the name implies, this involves going through the trunk of your vehicle and locating a switch that’ll disengage the back seat, giving you an opening to squeeze through that’ll bring you into the main compartment. This approach requires a car that has both an external trunk button and back-seat trunk access.

Now, these methods aren’t meant to be tried-and-true, but merely suggestions for a last-ditch effort to gain access to your vehicle without the assistance of a car locksmith. However, if none of these solutions have worked, then consider finding a 24-hour locksmith. We offer a wide array of locksmith services for the greater Denver, Colorado, and don’t just include changing locks. 

Can a locksmith program a car key? Yes, we can reprogram keys, chips, and remote controls, as well as ignition repairs, rekeying, and key replacement. The process is similar to changing standard locks, except our locksmiths alter the chip’s electronics instead of the key itself or the lock. 

We’ve also heard many people asking can a locksmith make a key from a VIN? Yes, they can, but more information is usually needed. The VIN is absolutely required when ordering a new car key since manufacturers and dealerships will require this information to verify that the request is legitimate and that your keys are not falling into the wrong hands. Once you’ve been cleared to request a key from a locksmith, you may also need to provide them with the key code depending on the vehicle’s make, model, year, and most importantly, manufacturer. 

If you’ve experienced getting locked out of your car, or have asked similar questions above, then it’s probably time to get a 24-hour, full-service car locksmith.


From the article:  Can a Locksmith Rekey a Car Door? | Car Rekey or ….


Lock Change or Rekey: Which One Should You Choose?


Need to rekey or replace locks for your home? Re-keying your lock is relatively straightforward. If you are not familiar with the rekey process, rekeying is merely changing the interior of the lock, allowing it to now be operated by a new, different key. Re-keying eliminates access from the original key without affecting the lock’s exterior appearance.

re-keyingg can be completed on a home, office building, or even a vehicle’s lock, helping you enjoy peace of mind that no one, aside from authorized individuals, have access to their personal property. The process is inexpensive and can save you time, money, and potential heartache. Ask about Denver Locksmith’s re-keying Special that offers our re-keying services for as low as $19 per lock!

Denver Locksmith is proud to offer our trusted and affordable re-key services. We also offer key replacement and critical copies for your residential, commercial, and automotive properties.


There are many benefits when you choose to re-key locks over installing new locks. First, it is often less costly because the hardware on your doors does not need removing. The process involves fewer working hours and can be done quickly. You won’t need to repaint your doors or worry about finding a newer lock to match your already designed décor. If you require several locks to be re-keyed, the right Re-keying experts can advise you as to how many locks should be re-keyed, the associated costs, and the work required. The process is simple and much less stressful than changing out locks. Re-keying a lock is as good as having a new and improved lock, and it is a lot more cost-effective than trying to replace it. Denver Locksmith makes rekeying your locks easier than ever, and we serve your needs all around the metro area!


Almost any type of lock can be re-keyed. You can re-key the lock on your car door and your car’s ignition, not to mention the basic re-keying of your home or office door locks. Here are a list of re-keying services Denver Locksmith offers:

  • Office/business re-keying services
  • Car key replacement
  • Home key replacement
  • New keys and key copies
  • Car ignition and broken key repair
  • Key programming and key chip programming
  • Remote control programming

First, when you buy a used car, a home, or an apartment, you do not know who else has been given your keys. To keep yourself, your family, and your property safe, it is best to rekey the locks altogether.

When it comes to cars, most vehicles today use the same key for the door and the ignition, so re-keying the lock means also rekeying the ignition. Another scenario is that the door has a programmed key, which we can easily reprogram. If your car fob has a programmed key or a chip, Denver Locksmith can help change the chip so that you can still have access to your car or vehicle, but previous owners won’t. This is the same concept as rekeying locks, except it changes the electronics in the key, as opposed to the lock itself. This same concept is used to reprogram house keys, such as door keys or room keys. The process takes very little time, and it also keeps your rooms and homes safe from the entry of unauthorized persons. This is undoubtedly a much better option than replacing the entire lock each time a new key is needed.

If you need a key replacement, Denver Locksmith is here to help. Whether you have a broken key fob for your car or you lost your electronic key, our master key maker and the programmer can help make sure your vehicle or home is safe and operates smoothly without needing to replace your car’s entire locking mechanisms. This is especially critical when dealing with programmable keys, which can be quite costly to replace if the entire system needs replacing. Our car locksmith team can come to you and replace key fobs, saving you time and money since you don’t have to go to the dealership.

Even in the worst-case scenarios, Denver Locksmith can aid you by becoming your go-to key maker for Denver locks. Change may not be what you’re looking for, so we can also offer to make key copies for different members of your family, too! This ensures that you do not experience any additional difficulties or restrictions in the access of your residential properties.


Our locksmith work does not end with newer technological advances. Denver Locksmith has been in the metro area repairing and re-keying locks for decades. We pride ourselves in having the expertise to repair antique locks on your older, preserved homes. Colorado is full of history, and some homeowners take pride in the look and preservation of their historic home. However, older locks tend to break due to years of wear and tear. Our rekeying specialists have learned the delicate precision needed to repair antique locks. This helps to keep your home in its original, historical condition with properly working locks.

Not only do we perform the labor and run the gambit of expertise for all types of rekeying and repairing of locks in the Denver metro area, but we conduct all of our work with style. People use color as statements and also to differentiate one key from another. Denver Locksmith has a wide array of key colors to choose from, including typical silver and brass. We also have black, antique brass, bronze, and many more colors to help you organize your life, one key at a time.

Original Article found here

Questions to Ask a Locksmith Before Hiring

When hiring a locksmith, trust is key

Ask these questions first:

  1. Is the locksmith licensed so you can verify that they are current and licensed?
  2. Can they give you a ballpark figure for a replacement lock vs. repair?
  3. Are they insured for general liability?

The ability to lock up your home, car, office and other valuable locations and items is essential, and the best way to do that is with the help of an experienced locksmith. A local locksmith can also help you when you accidentally lock yourself out of those places, which is a frustrating situation. Before you hire a locksmith, though, you need to know that you’re working with a trained, experienced professional. Here are some qualifications that you should check for in your locksmith before you begin any service:

Working With Locals

According to the Federal Trade Commission, many of the locksmiths who advertise “local” services are actually not local at all — they’re national locksmith services who contract out the work to a locksmith on their list, who may or may not be from your area. For example, hiring a locksmith in Boulder could have someone driving up from Aurora or coming down from Greeley. Whether or not a locksmith is local might matter in every case, but in situations where you are locked out of your home or your vehicle and you need to get back in — quickly — working with a local locksmith can save you several hours of waiting time. When you hire a locksmith who lives and works in your area, you also ensure that you won’t be one thousand of callers contacting a national call center or have trouble getting in touch with the locksmith who provided service if you need a follow-up after the work is done.

Locksmith Training and Experience

Besides not being local, not everyone who advertises locksmith services has the proper training. Locksmithing is one of the commonly scammed industries out there, which means you might hire someone who doesn’t have the qualifications to perform the best locksmith work for you. If you have some additional time, such as when you are looking for someone to re-key or replace the locks in your home or business, you can take the time to check out the locksmith’s credentials before you hire. Before you hire any locksmith, be sure to ask whether they are licensed, bonded, or insured to ensure you’re hiring a trained, experienced locksmith.

Highly Recommended

Another consideration is how highly recommended your locksmith is. Whether you ask friends and family or go online to check out reviews from other customers in your area, finding someone who comes with good recommendations can help ensure that you get speedy quality service. Asking for reviews — and for client references, if you have the time to check into them — is also a good way to ensure you’re working with a legitimate locksmith and not a scammer.